Saturday, September 18, 2021



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you all for stopping by today. It is a beautiful Saturday. I am feeling super energized and pomped to get a lot done today.

Hope you are feeling as great as you want to today.

The secret of happiness to me is living a life free of regrets, resentment, drama and unforgiveness. Times when I have entertained these emotions, I couldn't sleep at night and couldn't eat my food. If you have been my follower for a while, you know I love my food. These emotions of unforgiveness, resentment and drama keep you swimming in the mud of negative energy and feelings. Quite honestly, I hate feeling that way. I have always loved the feeling of joy and the energy that I derive from it. That is why I make that decision everyday to focus on the good and cut off every negative cord of hate, drama and unforgiveness connecting me to anyone. 

I love feeling good because feeling good comes from thinking good thoughts. Do you love feeling good? I hope you do. I am constantly filling my mind with good thoughts because feeling good is important to me.

 Here's where you come in, if you are not feeling good in your body right now, I encourage you to replace the thoughts in your mind with something pleasant. If this is hard for you, heres' another suggestion; count your blessings. Gratitude is the fastest way to change your mood. Recall something nice that happened in your life that brought you a lot of joy and capture the feeling. Don't allow your mind to hold the image of the thing because what tends to happen is the feeling that the best days are behind you. Your best days are always ahead of you. 

In the past, whenever I got myself overbooked, overworked and overstressed, I'd to start focusing on what was going wrong around me but now, in stead of letting that to continue, I begin to count my blessings. Counting my blessings raises my vibration every time and changes my mood and I feel lighter.

I hope this inspired you.

Don't let anyone steal you joy!


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