Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Monday, March 6, 2023


 Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this meets well. I am happy to be blogging today. Hope you're good and you've got your heart and mind protected from negativity?!

Today is a great day to share my challenge with you, but before we get into it, I wanted to just share an epiphany I just had with you. I just realized that I am prideful and not in a bad way. I want to inspire others to do better for themselves and others but before I can inspire others, I first want to try to be better and do better. I am constantly living by the principle of being the example I want to see and while I know this is not always easy, I still try my best to live by it. I have failed but I get back up and keep trying.

This is the first video of the challenge!

Now, with all that out of the way, I am doing a 21 day health challenge and today is the second day. If you know me, you'll know that I love rice and bread. These two foods are like my love. I eat them at least once everyday. So, as part of this challenge, I will be giving them up for 21 days and also, I will be working on my abdomen. I have not been consistent with my situps and all of that is changing with the challenge. I will be doing at least 100 situps each day for the next 21 days and track my progress.

How does this concern you? You might be asking. Well, here is how it concerns you; I want to inspire you to join the challenge with me. Let's make a decision to start a new trend and a create a new habit which will in turn change our lives. What is it that you want to cut off for the next 21 days? Do it. I am doing it with you. I am cheering you on and wishing you the best as you make progress.

Here's to making progress and looking mighty fine/fabulous!

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Friday, August 14, 2020



Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you all are having an amazing day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today.

This new school year is different from any other in recent history. There's fear in the atmosphere and parents are worried. Covid-19 has got most parents on edge trying to make the best decision about how their kids learn. The choice between virtual learning vs. in-class learning is one that parents are most disturbed about. Like most parents, I was concerned about the whole situation with my son starting school. However, I refuse  to let the situation scare me. I realize that God is our protector and my confidence is set on God. Fear is a very negative emotion and I am choosing faith over it.

Le'Veon, during virtual learning.

I enrolled my son to a program called "Hybrid," where he gets to spend three days in class and two days at home, doing  virtual learning. So far, he has adjusted really well and it's only his first week. I am so proud of him. The only struggle is waking up very early to prepare for school. Le'Veon keeps telling me it's night and he wants to go back to bed lol...

His teacher seems really nice and she likes Le'Veon's personality. I also notice that Le'Veon already knows what he's been taught at Pre K. Because he's so advanced, he is learning to accommodate other kids who are a little bit behind him. Seeing him adjust to school and express all that we have learned together at home,makes me so proud of him. 

This school year, I choose to be hopeful and confident in God. I believe that He who blessed me with two amazing babies, will also watch over them and keep them safe. I consciously choose faith over fear always!

Per Covid-19 procedures at Le'Veon's Pre-K, they are required to keep their masks on, all day at school. They are also making sure their hands are washed often. That's something that all the kids, including mine are adjusting to. Evaluating from Le'Veon's first week, I think he likes his new school. I am very excited to see all the progress he makes and how well he adjusts to this new experience.

I want to encourage all moms not to stress about their kids. Have a positive outlook and expectations toward your child/children. Believe all is well and all shall be well. Remember, always pray for your children because God still answers prayers. Psalm 65:2

Until next time...

With gratitude,
