Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2020



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you are all having an amazing day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life! Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for stopping by.

So, I am a mom of two amazing babies. I understand the struggles of sleepless nights when your little ones are not feeling well. I understand the constant thinking to make sure you remember your little ones' appointments and important events. I understand the constant second-guessing yourself in the hope of giving your best to your children always.

I also understand that all you can do is your best. You will mess up but messing up is part of the experience and  joy of being a mother. Don't beat yourself too hard about not being enough because you've always been more than enough. You have God helping you out every step of the way. Always pray for God's guidance and protection over you and your kids. 

When I am tempted to feel down, I am constantly reminding myself to focus on God's love for me. His love is more than able to carry me through any difficulty. I know that I am limited but combining my limitations to God's Omnipresent Possibilities, creates magic in my life. So, I am going to constantly rely on God's power and presence. I want to encourage you to do the same. Never compare yourself to anyone. Never compare your children to anyone and never ever allow the enemy to make you feel like you are not good enough because Mama you ROCK!!

Thank you for reading my post to the end.

With love and gratitude,

Monday, August 17, 2020



Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're having an amazing day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for stopping by today.

SO, how do I feel about staying active? I think it's amazing! Freaking amazing. I love being able to run around the house and at the park chasing my active kids. I love being able to jump as high and as often as I want to, without worrying about getting hurt. 

Staying active means keeping my and body mind in order. One way I have found that really helps me stay in a place of peace and focus is stretching and deep breaths. When I do these, I find myself suddenly in the moment. Not worries about the past and and not too concerned about the future either. Life is beautiful, my friend and there is immense power in the present.

If you are a mom reading this, I want to encourage you to take time out for yourself to stretch and breathe. You do a lot for everyone, now it's time to do a lot for you. You are constantly relied upon to keep everyone safe, fed and healthy and you almost forget that you are a person too. Well, here's your reminder mama, you are VALUABLE! Don't think you have to sacrifice what you would love, so everyone else can be happy but you. From my experience, that breeds contempt and you don't want that.

I love my kids but they can be very demanding sometimes. The way that I balance taking care of them and me is by making sure I am doing things I love to do. Staying active is one of the main things that I love to do. Workout with me today by watching my video:

To follow my fitness journey and participate in working out with me, please subscribe to my fitness I have dedicated this channel to inspiring you to stay active while at home with your babies.

I am rooting for you, girl! 

With gratitude,


Friday, August 14, 2020



Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you all are having an amazing day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today.

This new school year is different from any other in recent history. There's fear in the atmosphere and parents are worried. Covid-19 has got most parents on edge trying to make the best decision about how their kids learn. The choice between virtual learning vs. in-class learning is one that parents are most disturbed about. Like most parents, I was concerned about the whole situation with my son starting school. However, I refuse  to let the situation scare me. I realize that God is our protector and my confidence is set on God. Fear is a very negative emotion and I am choosing faith over it.

Le'Veon, during virtual learning.

I enrolled my son to a program called "Hybrid," where he gets to spend three days in class and two days at home, doing  virtual learning. So far, he has adjusted really well and it's only his first week. I am so proud of him. The only struggle is waking up very early to prepare for school. Le'Veon keeps telling me it's night and he wants to go back to bed lol...

His teacher seems really nice and she likes Le'Veon's personality. I also notice that Le'Veon already knows what he's been taught at Pre K. Because he's so advanced, he is learning to accommodate other kids who are a little bit behind him. Seeing him adjust to school and express all that we have learned together at home,makes me so proud of him. 

This school year, I choose to be hopeful and confident in God. I believe that He who blessed me with two amazing babies, will also watch over them and keep them safe. I consciously choose faith over fear always!

Per Covid-19 procedures at Le'Veon's Pre-K, they are required to keep their masks on, all day at school. They are also making sure their hands are washed often. That's something that all the kids, including mine are adjusting to. Evaluating from Le'Veon's first week, I think he likes his new school. I am very excited to see all the progress he makes and how well he adjusts to this new experience.

I want to encourage all moms not to stress about their kids. Have a positive outlook and expectations toward your child/children. Believe all is well and all shall be well. Remember, always pray for your children because God still answers prayers. Psalm 65:2

Until next time...

With gratitude,


Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you are all having a great day, today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you all for visiting my blog.

The night before Levy's first day, we created a theme for him and it is #ready. He is ready!

So, my baby boy started school this week and I am so proud of him. He'd been asking to go to school for a while and I would always tell him that when the time was right, he would start. Well, the time finally came and my baby is a student. Oh my heart 😊 is so full of love and pride for my son. 

Throwback Levy at 6 months

Throwback at Levy's 4th birthday!

I prayed over him the day before school started and told him he would be amazing and there was nothing he couldn't conquer because he is God's son.

Do you pray over your kids? What do you speak over them? With my kids, since they were born, I have always prayed and prophesied life over them. This world we live in, is very negative. This negativity is in the atmosphere and all around you. You don't need anyone present to feel the negative vibrations in the air. Knowing this, I consciously speak over my children and over the places they go to because words, my words have power and I am going to use this power to command strange things to bow to me and my kids. We belong to God and no dark power is permitted near us. I hold this faith with unwavering focus because I know WHOSE I am and from whom my children came; They came from The Lord, God Almighty. 

Levy Tiger. Ironically, his middle name means "son of a Tiger"😊

Le'Veon really enjoyed his first day at school. He couldn't stop telling me about how much fun he had at school and  I am a proud mama bear. My kids know that I am proud of them and that they make me so happy. My goal and daily prayer to God is to help me raise them in the knowledge and ways of God.

I want my kids to always know that God is their Omnipresent Omnipotent Protector. God is always there and they can call on God for help and help will come.

The enemy, sometimes would want to play a trick and get me to worry but I recognize that worry is of the devil and I'd declare that God has not given me the spirit of worry. I have knowledge of my Father God, Who never sleeps nor slumbers. He will always watch over me and my children. 

I pray that all parents would recognize that the enemy tempts you with thoughts of worry and if you accept them, you give power to those negative thoughts and immediately create a negative experience for you and your kids. Don't entertain thoughts of worry. Always cover yourself and children with God's light and presence. Give thanks always for this covering and watch God step in for you and your children always.

God is good and I will always give all Glory and Thanks to God for His protection and saving grace.

With gratitude,
