Showing posts with label you are enough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label you are enough. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2021


What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you’re having a great day. Thank you for checking out my blog today. 
Today, I’d like to ask a few questions and the goal for these questions is to expose the lie you and I have believed. 
Who told you that you were not good enough for the love that you desire? Who told you that good things can only happen to certain people but not you? 
Who told you that resources are scarce and you can only have a limited amount? Who told you that God wants you to live poor, beat down and miserable? Who told you that your best days are behind you or will never come? Who told you that your past mistakes and failures determine your future?
Who told you that your riches are in heaven so live poor and miserable now for future blessings? Who told you that you don’t deserve good things? Who told you pain, sickness and shame are a part of life? Who told you that?
Whose lies have you believed?
The God in you doesn’t recognize conditions and past failures. The God in you is not limited by circumstance or anyone. The God in you is so BIG that nothing or NO ONE can limit your God.
Here’s how you keep yourself from the blessings of peace, love, joy, beauty and abundance. You think you’re not enough and you fill your mind with images and stories of why you’re not enough. Stop it right now!
Start calling yourself blessed. Start seeing yourself blessed. Start acting blessed and start speaking the blessing over your life. Reject the old pattern of thinking and belief in lack, pain, sickness and not enough and start seeing the abundance of God which surrounds you everyday. 
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!