Showing posts with label Life update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life update. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2023



Hello everyone, thank you for checking out my blog today. I am very happy to be back!

Since the last time I posted, I've had many amazing changes occur in my life and I'm happy to share some of my major wins with you.

1. I bought a travel franchise :Maryam's Joyful Life Fun Tours ; in August and I'm still in awe of how wonderful it feels to be a wonderful business owner. 

2. My company won our first award in September, placing us at Bronze level. Very exciting!

3. Life has been wonderful and I'm learning more amazing things everyday and that led me to get mentored. I had been planning on signing up for mentorship for a while and finally did it in August. I enrolled in Setting the Standard with Arash Vossoughi and I'm happy that I did.
While I've been busy living and winning, I've also had some failures. I was supposed to visit Nigeria in September but it didn't work out for me. I still plan on making it happen because I don't giveup easily!
My kids' passports have been delayed by the Government but I have mailed out additional documents requested.  

While it sucks to have time wasted and things pushed further in the future, I believe God always works things out in his perfect timing. 
I haven't completed focused my attention on the setbacks; I have been getting myself ready for bigger wins and I have also vlogged some.

Here are some videos you may have missed!


Let me leave you with this thought; "Keep taking steps toward your dreams, no matter how many times you fall down!"


Thursday, September 16, 2021


 Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this blog meets you well. Today, I wanted to share a little bit of an update with you all. Are you ready?

My kids are fine and thriving. Why wouldn't they be? They have a mom who puts God in the center of everything and  there's no other way to go but up from here. I am doing great and I also give Glory to God and my never backing down attitude. I am a bull when it comes to going after my goal. If the Bible tells me that victory is already mine, then I have to act like it is. I do that in  how I work and how interested I am in life and also how I carry myself. Although sometimes, I think some people around me expect me to be rude or dumb but I know better than to play out to their expectations.

I really am grateful for the practice of meditation. It just grounds me and gets me in a place of clarity and power. I just know no matter what is going on, I am already a success, it is just a matter of time before it materializes. Why am I telling you all of this? There are people who follow me and think that it is an easy ride for me. In some ways it is, but the reason for my strength is mostly my faith in God. Now, I have to warn you. My faith is not blind or weak. It is faith that declares "There is a way," when there's obviously no way. It is faith that trusts God even in uncertain times. Good news is God ALWAYS SHOWS UP!

Watch today's video:

When you trust God, all things work out for you. Don't trust God and then worry yourself to death. Trust God and then go have fun like; walk in nature, read a good book, bless someone with some food or clothes you have not worn in a while. Just do something nice for someone, while you wait for your harvest; whatever that may be for you.

To conclude this, I am looking forward to an amazing life and each day I live it to the fullest!

God is always good!

Don't Let anyone steal you Joy!
