Showing posts with label good morning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good morning. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2021



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a good day and God is always good.

How are you doing today? I hope you are doing well. 

Today, I want to share a verse I read with you today. It is from the book of Matthew 20. It talks about an employer giving employment to a variety of people. Some were hired earlier and others later but each negotiation, each person agreed to be paid a certain amount. When they were paid, the ones who came in early were upset that the boss paid those who came later the same amount that he paid them. The boss reminded them that they agreed to that amount. 

See, God is just and will give us exactly what we ask for. It doesn't matter how long you have been in the faith. It is the container you bring that will be filled. Please bring a big container if you want big. Secondly, don't ever get jealous of other's blessings. The same God who blessed them is with you NOW AND for you ALWAYS! Just ask and it shall be given.

Go and have an amazing day!

Good morning!

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Good Morning There! IT IS A GOOD MORNING

Good morning sweet friend. You are amazing. I am happy to be writing to you today. It is truly an amazing day! Do you feel it? Do you hear it? God is for you and always will be.

No amount of past mistakes and failure can keep you from God's love and mercy. With that being said, get up! Step into this day with the confident assurance that God is for you and all good things are yours. Step into this day with joy and gladness knowing that He who has begun this good work in you is able to perfect it.

Weights and heaviness are a result of our amnesia of who we are really. We are amazing and powerful beyond our flesh can fathom so the flesh works hard to keep us from knowing that.

Stop repeating your past failures to yourself. Start walking towards the direction of your dream. This morning is a good time to start. Start your journey to realization NOW! Go on. I am cheering you on. You got this! God's got you. Tell yourself that you are worthy and deserve good. 

I hope you know how amazing you are. 

Listen to today's podcast:

I know you will have an amazing day!

Don't let anyone steal your joy!
