Tuesday, October 16, 2018


What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having an amazing day today and not allowing anybody steal your joyyyyy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day and I've been doing A WHOLE LOTTA IMAGING!

I have been doing a lot of studying about why I think the way I think and how that related to the kind of results I'm getting from life. I must tell you that it's been both eye-opening and mind-blowing. Life doesn't have to be very complicated. But see, I didn't know that. I know that my Bible tells me that God is a god of principles but I didn't know that getting money or achieving great feats also have principles behind them apart from working really hard. I mean, I sort of knew but ONLY very little about it. Well, not anymore. I know now that the universe is controlled and governed by principles set by God. Understanding these principles and how to apply them will give me access to WHATEVER I desire in life.

Matthew 7:7 states that "Ask and it shall be given..." is true. It shouldn't be complicated. It didn't place any limit to how much you can ask. So, I have been asking for BIG THINGS.

The Bible says "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." I am learning to control my mind and reject what I don't want more than ever before because I've got to "guard my heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life." This is from Proverbs. Anyways, I'll just leave you with this: Whatever you want out of life, don't think about reasons why you CAN'T get it, just fix your eyes on it and start acting the way you would as though you already had it. Yes, I'm disciplining myself to do more of that. Let's be GREAT TOGETHER, sweet people! This was supposed to be a recipe post. Sorry, I had to share some sweet life recipes first. Here is the original recipe I had imaged and wanted to share with you.


You need 1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour, an egg, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/3 cup of olive oil, a cup of apple pie filling, 1/3 cup of water, half a cup of brown sugar, 3 whole apples and a baking pan. Get your oven preheated at 350 degrees.

Here are pictures to show you:

Chop the apples:

Flour, salt, egg, water and olive oil:

Mix flour, egg, water, salt and olive oil together. Use your hand to combine together. Do it right, it looks like this:

Roll dough on a cutting board with a pin:
It should look like this:

Place it in a pan that was greased up:

Now let's move on to the next. Cooking the chopped apple in water and brown sugar:

Cook the apple for about 10 mins. Then pour content into the pan:
Take some another egg. Beat it and get a brush and brush the top of the crust. Then take the other rolled out dough and place on the top of the filling.
Cut off the excess dough. Like the picture above.

Take your sweet pie and place in the oven:

45 mins later, here's your delicious apple pie!

From the heart of a home-cook, to your homes; My sweet, amazing pie!

I'll see you next time.
Don't stop dreaming BIG!