Monday, February 28, 2022



Hello everyone, thank you for checking out my blog today. I am grateful for you. Life is great and God has been so faithful. So, I have been going live daily on a weekly basis on my youtube channel, for about four weeks now and it has been amazing. 

I have found a new meaning to life since I started praying with my friends and it is truly amazing. I get a lot of enjoyment from offering services to others. I get very excited whenever I see the changes that occur in the lives of my friends, because of my commitment and I am inspired to keep going. The testimonies are a testiment of God's unfailing love towards us all.

Every single day, I am consciously choosing faith over fear. Faith makes the difference in my life and I enjoy sharing it with others. This moment is so powerful because we live in the moment in time where most people quit before they ever try. I am inspired to keep praying and stretching my faith because perhaps my dedication will inspire somebody.

Here's the latest episode of our prayer:

I pray that your day is filled with so much love and abundance.

Many thanks!


Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a great day! I am happy to share this blog with you. I am so happy that you are here.

God has been good to me and I am very grateful. Though it is obvious that God has been good, I find myself sometimes feeling like things are the way they used to be. If I wasn't aware, I would allow myself to think that the things God has already delivered me from are the way they used to be. 

God has answered your prayer when you prayed. However, you need to update your mind to catchup to the blessing because if you don't, the enemy will deceive you to look for the pain. The Bible is intentional about daily renewing your mind. Let your mind catchup to the blessing. Don't allow yourself to retract to what God has already healed you from. When you pray for a miracle, look for the miracle not the absense of it. Get yourself busy expecting a miracle and while you do, stay positive and excited. 

Here's why; God is the One performing the miracle and not you. If it were up to you, you wouldn't need God but it's not up to you. It's up to God. While you wait on God, be praising God for answering your prayer and get excited that since God NEVER fails, your miracle is SURE!

Thank you for reading to the end.

Join my daily live broadcasts:

Get ready for YOUR Miracle and live ready!


Monday, February 14, 2022



Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely friends. Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is a great day to remind yourself of how blessed you are to be alive and also show gratitude for the special ones in your life. Today shouldn't be the only day in a year when we acknowledge the love we've been blessed with. I am encouraging myself daily to remember how blessed I am to be loved by God and my family and so many amazing people all over the world. 

Should in case you are feelign lonely, please don't. Just become aware of the love of God that even right now is flowing through you and within you. Be glad and grateful for that love and ask God to bring people into your life who will love and appreciate you like you deserve to be loved. 

Remember to show yourself some love also. You deserve to be loved.

Like my dress? Get it here:

Happy Valentine's Day!

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!


Wednesday, February 9, 2022



Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Thank you for checking out my blog today. Today is a beautiful day. I am so happy to be writing to you, today.

The past three days I have been waking up early to share the Word of God and pray with my friends on the internent and the experience has been amazing. I have seen God do wonderful things not only for those joining me but for me. I have peace of mind and I see God bringing my goals to fruition.

Today I shared a reading from Joshua 1:5-9. If you read the scripture, you will find many emphasis on God commanding His people to be strong and courageous because He will be with them wherever they go. This scripture means so much to me because I have been through some difficult times in my life that I would never have come out of, if it wasn't for God's grace.

I encouraged myself in the midst of a difficult situation, to hold on to God's promise and keep declaring it until there was a performance in my life. Well, God always comes through for us if we faint not. He came through for me. 

I want to encourage you to hold on to God and declare the blessings of God over your life instead of claiming the negative sitaution and thinking it's always going to be that way.

Here's the link to the video:

Watch it and be blessed!

Don't let anyone steal your joy!
