Showing posts with label Reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reflections. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2020



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day! Thank you all so much for checking out my blog.

2020!!! WHAT A YEAR?! This year has truly been THAT YEAR not just for me, but for the world in general. How so much changed. Unexpected virus that took the world by storm and strange things happening all over the world. Also the year we saw an Immigrant, black, Asian woman become Madam Vice- President Elect of the United States of America! WHAT A YEAR?!!

Personally, my life was planned to be shattered by the devil. The enemy thought they had the final say about my life but GOD, MY GOD who is Mighty to save said NO!!! Don't touch my anointed or do my prophet no harm!

I am a living proof of the transformational power of God! I wouldn't be alive today but for the MERCY of JEHOVAH! How they ganged up together, how they plot and planned but He whose eyes are everywhere, saw their plans and scattered them! He ain't even done with me yet. God is not through with me. Better is coming, better is now and better is being birthed.

For years I trusted the Lord and prayed for a breakthrough. I approached God like a beggar and cried out for mercy. I repented from known and unknown sins but nothing happened. I even sowed seeds I didn't have and gave everything I had hoping that maybe The Lord will take pity on me and grant my request but NOTHING happened. It was just as if each time I prayed and gave and sowed, I was heating up the fire and pain of my situation. Until my worldview on God changed. Until I realized the power of vibrations, until I discovered the Secret of manifestation. Until I found out God moves toward those who vibrate at the level of the good they desire. Until I found out fear is my enemy and joy is my best friend. 

God can't do for me what He can do through me. Everything I had been praying for was always available to me but I was too blinded by fear, tradition and falsehood called religion to see it. I thought I could access God's provision by my holiness or offerings. I didn't know that all I had to do was give thanks as if my pain is gone. Give thanks as if God has already provided and really feel that all that I desired was already mine. 

Watch my new series: Video 2

Pastor Stephen Furtick said something profound the other day. He said Favor requires that we come from where we want God to place us and give thanks as though we are already what we desire God to make of us or give us. I paraphrased his words but I got the revelation. 

I used to wonder why things didn't always turn out the way I desired but now I see that there's so much power in our confession and visualization. We have to feel the blessings in order to embody the blessings.

God is good! Now, I approach God in a different manner. My heart is full of gratitude and confidence assurance that God is for me and that His mercies are new every morning.

I give thanks like I am that which I desire to be because I truly am. I see things clearly now, not from the perspective of a "sinner," but from the perspective of a Child of the Creator. 

2020 was meant to break me but it was all a setup for a breakthrough! God, my God is MIGHTY TO SAVE!

Have a blissful Christmas,
